Create Virtual Machines with Vagrant

Week 6 of Configuration Management Systems course.

Course material:

Environment: Windows 11 laptop with 40 GB of free disk space.

Read and summarize

Vagrant requires only these three commands to get a machine up:

$ vagrant init debian/bullseye64
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

You can setup two Virtual Machines to run on the same network but on different local IP addresses with one Vagrant script.

For basic master-slave architecture Salt implementation, install salt-master and salt-minion on the respective machines. Then edit the slave machine minion file at /etc/salt/minion. Add master: MASTER IP HERE and, if you want to, id: RANDOM NAME. Restart the minion service. Run salt-key -A (-A = accept keys) to accept the slave connecting to master. Now you can control the slave with the master.

Hello Vagrant

Objective: Install a Virtual Machine with Vagrant.

I downloaded Vagrant Windows AMD64 binary from the official website.

vagrant download

I ran the installer wizard with the default options and restarted my PC.

I opened Windows Powershell as administrator after searching for it in the start menu.

I created the folder structure for C:\users\valka\vagrant\debian with mkdir.

I created a new Vagrantfile.

> vagrant init debian/bullseye64

vagrant init creates a new Vagrantfile and a specified I wanted preconfigured settings for Debian. Bullseye is the codename given to Debian version 11 and 64 refers to 64-bit version.

I created and started up the new Virtual Machine.

> vagrant up

vm created

I was able to connect to the Virtual Machine via SSH.

> vagrant ssh

ssh connection

Private network

Objective: Install two Virtual Machines to the same network with Vagrant. Name one VM “isanta” and the other “renki1”. Test that “renki1” can connect to the “isanta” VM (ping or nc).

I created a new folder to C:\users\valka\vagrant\twohost.

I created a new Vagrantfile with vagrant init. I configured it to create two Virtual Machines with different local IP addresses. (Source: Tero Karvinen)

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "debian/bullseye64"

  config.vm.define "isanta" do |isanta|
		isanta.vm.hostname = "isanta" "private_network", ip: ""

	config.vm.define "renki1", primary: true do |renki1|
		renki1.vm.hostname = "renki1" "private_network", ip: ""

I shutdown my previous machine just so it doesn’t run in the background.

> vagrant global-status
id       name    provider   state   directory
7cf3167  default virtualbox running C:/users/valka/vagrant/debian

> vagrant halt 7cf3167

I created and started the two new Virtual Machines with vagrant up.

I listed all the Vagrant VMs with vagrant global-status.

vagrant global status

I connected to “renki1” via SSH.

> vagrant ssh renki1

I pinged “isanta” from “renki1” and got a response.

> ping


Salt master-slave

Objective: Implement a master-slave architecture with Salt over a network. Set the previous assignment’s “renki1” as a slave to “isanta”.

While still connected to the previous assignments “renki1” Virtual Machine I updated packages and installed salt-minion.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install salt-minion

I modified /etc/salt/minion.

$ sudoedit /etc/salt/minion

# I added these lines to the start of the file:
id: renki1

I restarted the salt-minion service so the changes to the settings take effect.

$ sudo systemctl restart salt-minion.service

I exited the “renki1” SSH session and connected to “isanta”.

$ exit
> vagrant ssh isanta

I updated packages and installed salt-master.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install salt-master

I authorized the slave machine to take orders from the master with salt-key.

$ sudo salt-key -A
  • -A flag is used to accept keys.

salt key

I was able to run commands on the slave machine with Salt.

$ sudo salt '*' "echo Hello"

salt hello

Creating a Salt module

Objective: Create the first version of your own Salt module. The mini project must have some sort of use case even if it’s made up. Create a page (Github, Gitlab) for project that outlines the basic information about the project. The functionality of the module must be tested but it doesn’t have to be finished.

I decided to make a module that installs a starter pack of useful programs. View the module in GitHub. Read the report.


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Written by Tuomas Valkamo who is studying IT at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.

Check out my GitHub. or Connect with me.

© 2022 Tuomas Valkamo